Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ - Faculty & Staff Openings

Information regarding employment opportunities can be viewed by visiting the VCCS Career Portal. You must first create an online application to be considered. The application process has three easy steps:

  1. Create a user name and password to set up your account
  2. Create your online application
  3. Apply your online application to a specific job opening

Resumes are not accepted in lieu of an application. Applications must be completed via the online applicant system. The College does not accept application materials by mail, email, or fax unless specifically requested in the "Special Instructions to Applicants" section of the job posting. When requested, transcripts can be attached to your online application, faxed, or mailed directly to the Human Resources Department

Please be patient during this review period as your application is very important to us! As this process is very comprehensive, the length of this period may vary from position to position, depending upon the size of the committee and the number of applications received for the position. The website is updated frequently. Applicants that provided an email address on their application will be notified via email of the outcome of the search. You may also view the status of your application for all positions to which you have applied by accessing the system with your personal user name and password. The system can be accessed 24/7 from any computer with an Internet connection.

No. You can only apply if the position is open or listed as open until filled.

Your online application information is located on a secure Web server and will only be available to the Human Resources Department and the applicable hiring committee for the specific job opening to which you apply. Your voluntary demographic information is only available to Human Resources and will be used for statistical and reporting purposes only. Security of your personal information is provided in two different ways:

  1. The applicant site is password protected. When creating your online application, you will be prompted to provide a personal user name and password. This information will grant only you access to view and edit your personal information.
  2. The domain name also holds an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate. This SSL certificate ensures that our registered domain name holds a secure socket layer of encryption. The SSL ensures that your personal data is submitted to the correct secure server and that your data is encrypted when sent over the Internet.

You will be asked to provide personal information such as name, address, phone number, etc. You will also be asked to provide information about your education and previous employment, as well as contact information regarding your employment history and references. Please gather this information before beginning the application process. It is important that the information you provide is current and accurate. It will be used to evaluate your qualifications.

Be sure to read all of the instructions carefully so that you submit all of the attachments for the position. When requested on the posting, transcripts can be attached to your online application, faxed, or mailed directly to the Human Resources Department. In these cases, copies of transcripts are acceptable with the initial application; official transcripts will be required upon employment. If you plan to use the computers in Human Resources, please bring the requested documents with you. Internet access is also available to retrieve documents.

Yes. For example, you can copy and paste the information from a Word or WordPerfect document directly into the appropriate fields in the application.

Files with the following extensions may be uploaded as an attachment to your application: .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf or .txt. Documents must be less than 2MB in size. If your document is not in one of these formats, you may copy and paste the content into a text box.

Protected PDF documents may not be uploaded. To use these documents, the format must be changed to another excepted format.

If you need assistance with converting files from Mac to PC, please review this guide created by the National Teacher Training Institute.

If you do not want to complete the application at this time, please click "CANCEL" at the bottom of the page.

Yes, however, you must first complete all of the required fields notated with a red asterisk (*) on the current page before that page of your application can be saved. As you move through the pages of your application profile, you must click SAVE CHANGES or SAVE & CONTINUE to save the information you have entered. If your browser closes prior to you clicking one of these buttons, your work on previous pages will be saved, but you will lose the information on the last page you did not save. You may return later and edit the application before applying your application to a specific position.

For security purposes, this system automatically logs you off when it senses no activity for 60 minutes.

Before submitting your application you will have the option to view it. When your application opens in a new browser window, using the toolbar at the top of your computer screen, click on File- Print or use the printer icon and follow the prompts on the screen to print your application. You will not need to send copies of the online application to the College.

You can also print your application profile at any time by clicking the “Preview Application” button from the menu bar.

Your application has not been submitted to the College until you receive a system-generated confirmation number. This confirmation number is your receipt that you have successfully submitted your application. You can also view the status of your application at any time by logging in to the system and clicking the “Application Status" button.

You may view the status of your application at any time by logging in to the system and clicking the "Your Applications" button. On this page, you can also view the application and the documents that you submitted for a particular posting.

You may only edit applications you haven’t submitted yet. Go to “Your Applications” and click the "Edit" button for the application you want to edit. Keep in mind that Human Resources will not be able to update your application to jobs to which you have already applied.

Click the "I Forgot My Username/Password" link on the login page, then:

  • To retrieve your username, you must supply the email address as it appears on your application profile to retrieve all usernames associated with that email address.
  • To retrieve your password, you must supply the username to retrieve the security question you selected when you created your application.

Please do not use your browser's "Back", "Forward" or "Refresh" buttons to navigate the site. This may cause unexpected results, including loss of data or being logged out of the system. Please always use the navigational buttons within the site.

  • Ensure that you are accessing the applicant tracking system using a supported browser.
  • Recommended browsers:
    • Internet Explorer 6.0 and up for Windows XP and Windows 2000
    • Mozilla Firefox 1.5 and up for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Mac OS X
    • Browsers that have no known issues but are not routinely tested:
      • Internet Explorer 5.5 for Windows XP and Windows 2000
      • Internet Explorer 5.0 for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Mac OS X/9/8
      • Mozilla Firefox 1.5 for Linux and Unix
      • Netscape Navigator 7.0 for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Mac OS X/9
      • Apple Safari 1.2 for Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Mac OS
    • Browsers that are not recommended: 
      • Opera
      • AOL
      • WebTV

Not sure what version of your browser you're currently using? Go to your toolbar, click on Help, and then click on the "About" link, such as "About Internet Explorer" or "About Mozilla Firefox." A window will pop up showing you what version you are using.

  • Reference the other questions in this FAQ to see if your issue is addressed.

You can open a search function by pressing Ctrl + F.

If you are receiving a message that one or more sections have not been completed please review your application to ensure all areas have been completed. Some common areas containing errors are:

  • Experience: You must select the Month/Day/Year for each position. Using the provided calendar can help to alleviate that issue.
  • Criminal History: Information for the Criminal History Section must be completed. If the areas do not apply to you simply put “N/A” in the appropriate fields.
  • References: Each position at 皇冠博彩 requires 3 references. If you have not identified three, the section will be listed as incomplete.

The submit button will only appear after the application is complete. If it is not appearing, check your errors and fill in the missing information.