College Policies


In support of its overall mission, 皇冠博彩 creates and maintains well-articulated and understandable policies and procedures to which the entire college community has ready access online. 皇冠博彩 policies and procedures conform to the policies and procedures of the Virginia Community College System and the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth of Virginia and of the United States. If a college policy or procedure is in conflict with an equivalent or related policy of the VCCS or with a law or regulation of the Commonwealth, the policy of VCCS or the law or regulation of the Commonwealth takes precedence and the 皇冠博彩 policy or procedure will be modified to be in compliance.

This 皇冠博彩 Policies webpage contains the most current approved version of all College policies, with links to applicable procedures and forms. These documents constitute the only official College-wide policies. Departments that wish to include any of these policies on their own website should link to the version on this site so as to avoid multiple (and potentially inconsistent) versions of the policy on College's website.

This webpage will be updated as additional policies are approved.

Policy Number Policy Name Category Procedure
101 Policy Development and Review General 101P
102 Equal Employment Opportunity General 102P
103 Accommodations of Individuals with Disabilities General 103P
104 Accommodations for Religious Holidays General 104P
105 Service Animals General 105P
106 Alcohol and Drug Policy General 106P
107 Smoking General  
108 Weapons General 108P
109 Speech and Expression General 109P
110 Sexual Misconduct General 110P
111 Contagious Diseases General 111P
112 Emergency Closing / Inclement Weather General 112P
113 Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention General 113P
114 Emergency Notifications / Timely Warnings General 114P
115 Fundraising General 115P
116 Children and Visitors on College Property General  
117 Programs Involving Minors on Campus General 117P
119 Threat Assessment General 119P
201 Grading System for Credit Classes Academic 201P
202 Graduation Honors Academic 202P
203 Academic Standing Academic 203P
204 Waiver of Requirements Academic 204P
205 Repeating a Course Academic 205P
206 Class Attendance Academic 206P
208 Examinations, Assessments, and Proctoring Academic 208P
210 Late Withdrawal for Mitigating Circumstances Academic 210P
211 Academic Renewal Academic 211P
212 Open Educational Resources Academic 212P
213 Textbooks and Course Materials Academic 213P
216 Diplomas Academic 216P
217 Posthumous Awards Academic 217P
218 Course Substitution for Students with Documented Disabilities Academic 218P
219 Substantive Change Academic 219P
221 Academic Load Academic 221P
224 Academic Integrity Academic 224P
228 Academic Freedom and Responsibility Academic
229 Distance Education and Hybrid Classes Academic 229P
230 Student Development Academic 230P
232 Library Collection Development Academic 232P
233 Student Engagement Hours Academic 233P
235 Intellectual Property Academic 235P
236 Reverse Transfer Academic 236P
301 Animal Control Administrative 301P
302 Lost and Found Administrative 302P
303 Pollution Prevention Administrative 303P
305 Key Management Administrative 305P
306 Energy and Sustainability Administrative 306P
307 College Owned Vehicles Administrative 307P
308 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Administrative  
309 College Identification Cards Administrative 309P
310 皇冠博彩Card Debit Accounts Administrative 310P
311 Fixed Assets and Property Control Administrative 311P
312 Candidate and Government Official Visits Administrative 312P
313 Electronic Door Access Administrative 313P
314 Business Meals Administrative 314P
315 Criminal Trespass Administrative 315P
401 Accommodation of Employees with Disabilities Human Resources 401P
402 Telework Human Resources 402P
403 Continuous Learning Program - 皇冠博彩 Credit Courses Human Resources 403P
404 Employee Tuition Assistance - External Courses Human Resources 404P
405 Employee Educational Leave Human Resources 405P
406 Sabbatical Leave / Fulbright Award / President Sabbatical Award Human Resources 406P
407 Pregnancy Accommodation Human Resources 407P
408 Emeritus Status Human Resources 408P
409 Lactation Human Resources 409P
410 Reporting Child Sexual Abuse or Neglect Human Resources 410P
411 Volunteers Human Resources 411P
412 Voluntary Inter-Campus Faculty Transfer Human Resources 412P
414 Conflict of Interest in Employment / Nepotism Human Resources 414P
415 Outside Employment Human Resources 415P
416 Political Activities and Public Office Human Resources 416P
417 Alternative Dispute Resolution and Grievance Procedures Human Resources 417P
418 Non-Reappointment, Suspension, and Dismissal of Faculty Human Resources 418P
419 Development and Evaluation - Teaching Faculty Human Resources 419P
420 Faculty Promotions Human Resources 420P
421 Administrative and Professional Faculty Teaching Credit Classes Human Resources 421P
422 Classified Employees Teaching Credit Classes Human Resources 422P
423 Nine-Month Faculty Summer Pay Human Resources 423P
424 Voluntary Pre-Retirement Workload Reduction Human Resources 424P
425 Development, Evaluation, Recognition - Administrative-Professional Faculty Human Resources 425P
426 Faculty Appointment Human Resources 426P
427 Faculty Responsibilities Human Resources 427P
429 Dual Enrollment-Concurrent Enrollment Faculty Standards Human Resources 429P
501 VCCS Information Technology Requirements, Standards, Policies, and Guidelines IT and Communications 501P
502 Acceptable Computer Use IT and Communications 502P
503 IT Security Awareness IT and Communications 503P
504 Storage of Sensitive Data and Portable Storage Devices IT and Communications 504P
505 Email IT and Communications 505P
506 Mass Emailing IT and Communications 506P
507 Bring Your Own Device IT and Communications 507P
508 Connecting Devices to 皇冠博彩 Networks IT and Communications 508P
509 Accessing 皇冠博彩 Networks Remotely IT and Communications 509P
510 Cell Phone Stipend IT and Communications
511 Software and Technology Purchases IT and Communications 511P
513 Faculty and Staff Computers IT and Communications 513P
516 Social Media IT and Communications 516P
517 Website IT and Communications 517P
518 Website Privacy IT and Communications
519 Disciplinary Actions for Violations of IT Security and Acceptable Use IT and Communications 519P
520 Media Relations IT and Communications 520P
601 Admissions Student  
602 Domicile Student 602P
603 Registration in Credit Classes Student 603P
606 Student Development Student  
607 Students with Documented Disabilities Student 607P
608 Student Grievances Student 608P
609 Admission and Continued Enrollment of Students Who May Pose a Threat Student
610 Involuntary Withdrawal Student 610P
611 Tuition Refunds Student 611P
612 Fundraising by Student Organizations Student 612P
613 FERPA Student 613P
614 XTA and XIT Service Indicators Student 614P
615 Disciplinary Transcript Notations Student  
616 Veterans Benefits Certification Student  

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